Welcome home!!! You did the responsible thing, AND you got a vacation in, AND now you are back with your two adorable boys. I'm eagerly awaiting stories and pictures.
While you were away I did lot's of things that reminded me of you:
Got my first bountiful basket!
Remember when I was with you when you got yours?
Ran in the Walk to Run 5k for Now I Can.
I wouldn't know and love this organization if you hadn't helped it exist! (I vote that we do it together next year, what do you think?)
Went on a hike in Rock Canyon. This is my MTC teacher.
Basically why this reminded me of you is because I thought of all the hikes Miga and Poppa took us on when we were kids, and you taught me girls camp songs before I turned 12...:D
Ate dinner with the younger siblings.
You know we talked about you. (Don't worry, ALL good things...you are such an amazing big sister to each of us. Seriously.)
And watched Newsies at the Varsity Theatre.
I will always think of you when I watch this movie. When was the last time you watched it? The dancing in it is fabulous and the music inspiring!
I'm glad you are back, and I hope you are tan, and I am excited to see you sometime soon...skype date? Lovies.
I am glad to be back. You had such a busy week. I wish I could have down some of those things with you.