Sunday, January 20, 2013


Dear Miss T,

This morning I get to sit in front of a fireplace. It is lovely. My back is all toasty warm. Then I rotate and face the fire so my front becomes warm too. This is what I see.

It is Sunday and a day to reflect on life. I think of you and your boys. I think of how I get to come visit you soon and my insides get as warm as my outsides. Thank you for choosing to be a Mother. Thank you for (as always) leading the way by example.

I will go to church today and make a little promise with God to do a little better, be a little kinder, and have a little more faith. Then I will come right back in front of this lovely fire and enjoy the warmth, and count my blessings. May your Sunday be just as warm with snuggles from Little Grizzly, Cub, and T-Bear, and of course Big D.

Love Kk

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Let's Hear it For the Boy

Welcome Little Grizzly

Here are the facts:

January 14, 2013
9 lb 3 oz 20 1/4 in long

Looks just like.... his brothers.

Everyone is home and doing well.

Here is the story:

Well, it is a long story.  Truthfully, it is a story that started months ago and is still being written.  You'll have to be patient until it is time to share it all.

-Miss T

Big D.... the reason I have such cute boys!

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Little Something for Each of My Boys

This is for T Bear

I was reading an article called "Meaningful Teaching at Home" by Darren E Schmidt in the January issue of the Ensign.  This quote made me think and ponder about my sweet T Bear:

“One of our urgent opportunities is to respond to a child when he earnestly asks, remembering that they don’t always ask, that they aren’talways teachable, that they won’t always listen,” taught Elder Richard L. Evans (1906–71) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “And often we have to take them on their terms, at their times, and not always on our terms, and at our times. … If they find they can trust us with their trivial questions, they may later trust us with the more weighty ones.”

Big eyes filled with curiosity at the huge Seattle ferris wheel

This is for Cub

Too bad Santa didn't bring this for you this last Christmas.  Ipad is one of your favorite words in your limited vocabulary.

It is called the ipotty.  Ridiculous right?

This is for Baby Boy #3

COME OUT NOW!!!!! Trust me, I think at this point we would get along much better if you were outside my womb.

This is for Big D

With Love,

-Miss T

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Just Hanging On

So pregnancy does not suit me well.  There is only one thing I like about being pregnant: my leg hairs don't grow as fast.  Everything else is horrible.

Unfortunately pregnancy is an emotional roller coaster that I struggle with mentally and physically.  

Lately I feel like my inability to deal with pregnancy well has been affecting the behavior of my sweet boys and husband. I 
feel awful that I am unable to be the wonderful mother and adoring wife that I want to be.

In efforts to find something to be happy and grateful about my life, I have found two daily moments that I love about being a mother to my boys.

1. Full bellies.  I love that I am able to feed my boys well and that after every meal they are happy with full bellies.  This means they usually need to jump on the couch to release their new acquired energy.

2. Peaceful sleep.  No matter how rough my day was, I love putting my boys to bed.  Putting them in warm pjs, and tucking them in with their favorite blankets, hoping for sweet dreams for them, and then walking out of their room knowing that I am done for the day makes me happy.  If I sneak in to look at them sleeping, they look so sweet, peaceful and happy.  

My heart is full of gratitude that Big D and I are able to provide a warm place for them to sleep and good food to eat.  The hard truth is that there are parents who can not even do that for their children.  So although I may lacking in my mothering skills significantly, I am glad that I can provide for some of their basic needs.  

I love these boys so much.  It was worth being miserably pregnant with each of them.

-Miss T