Friday, July 15, 2011

The end of childhood.

Dearest Magical Miss T,

This weekend I traveled to Idaho Falls to end my childhood.

"Isn't your childhood already over?" you may ask. Technically, I suppose the answer is yes, as I am 24 years old. However, we have come to the end of an era, which happens to match up directly with my childhood.

You see, the final portion of the Harry Potter movies came out tonight, and the saga is complete. I remember being 10 or 11 and picking up the very first Harry Potter book at Graci-Lynn's house. I was the same age as Harry, Ron and Hermione. They are my age cohorts though my letter inviting me to attend Hogwarts never came. I have grown up with them, and thus with the end of their childhood, it feels much more official that my childhood also has ended.

Do you remember the Harry Potter reading crazes we went through during McCall? Oh the books just got fatter and fatter after the 3rd book. I do believe we purchased two of every book so that we all could be reading them at the same time.

In a smashing (and blazing) triumph of good over evil the final Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, my childhood has ended and I guess I better get on with life just like they did. Ron and Hermione hook up, Harry and Ginny hook up, and even slimy Malfoy hooks up with some brown-headed chick and sends a little mini-Malfoy off to Hogwarts 19 years after Voldemort's defeat. So...yeah, I guess I'd better get on with that part of life too.

If you haven't seen the movie, I do recommend it. It is excellently well-done, but it is intense and a bit scary, and I definitely closed my eyes during quite a few parts. But, you know me. That's how I watch movies.

Farewell childhood. Mischief managed.
Love, wannabe wizard KK


  1. oh!! I loved it when we were all in mccall reading harry potter. i can remember us sitting on the dock or on the beach reading and reading. book #4 was my favorite. i hope to see the movie

  2. Oh my Harry Potter. Remember how I LOVE it more than anything except maybe Jesus? It is perfect and amazing. And Ron and Hermione do finally get it together. And then they have ginger babies.

    My heart is full.
