Monday, May 9, 2011

My Mother's Day

Dear KK,

I was scared to become a mother.  Deep down I always knew that I would be a mother, but when it came down to it, I was worried and scared.  I didn't know if I would like it or be successful at it.

Now, I am mother to T Bear and Baby Cub.  I can honestly say that I love being a mother.  It surprises me and sounds so cheesy, but it is true.  There are so many things to be learned by being a mother and there is so much joy that comes from being a mother.

On Mother's Day, we were eating lunch when Big D suggested I open a gift from my own mother, Miga.  I unwrapped a book titled, Boys Should Be Boys by Meg Meeker, M.D.  T Bear loves books and asked what kind of book it was.  I told him it was a book for  me to read that would tell me how to be nice to my boys.  T Bear said, "Oh, like not to put me in time-out."  I quickly corrected him, and told him even nice mothers put their boys in time-out when they make bad choices.  

Later, we were sitting on the porch, trying to get some Vitamin D, when Big D suggested that T Bear say some things he loved or liked about Mommy.  The first thing T Bear said was, "I love Mommy because she is going to read that book about how to be nice to her boys because Baby Cub and me are her boys."  Wow.  What is he trying to tell me?  Regardless, I did start to read the book immediately.

Although I am enjoying being a mother, I am not amazing at it.  I make mistakes.  There are times I have no idea what I am doing or should be doing.  I look around and see so many amazing mothers.  Every mother has a unique situation and set of skills or talents.  Mothers are amazing for different reasons.  I hope that someday I can do at least a few amazing things for my boys (hopefully that book will tell me how).  Until then, I will just shower them with hugs, kisses, (time-outs), food, toys, clothes, work and a lot of love.  

With love,
-Miss T


  1. That is the cutest picture ever! Glad you had a nice mother's day because you are one hard working woman! I hope to be as good as mom as you are :)

  2. That is a good plan. And nice mommies do put their children in time-outs...:D I'm so glad you love being a mother! It helps me try to have courage to want to be a mother one day too.

  3. I just reread this post. Does me good to reread the things you right Miss T. I love this blog. What insight.
