Every year Women's Conference happens on BYU campus. This is a large event for women to continue their education, and be inspired to better fulfill the marvelous role of womanhood.

Look at all those women. Wow. Pretty impressive. I'm a fan of it, though I've not yet attended.
What Women's conference means to me right now is:
1. Lot's of coordination and work (for my job I am in charge of scheduling the AV equipment and help with technology needs for presenters).
2. A campus FULL of women walking around in 2's and 3's and sometimes clusters larger than 5 and 6, displaying an array of beautiful body shapes, adorable skirts, many kinds of lip gloss, AND smiling and laughing SISTERS EVERYWHERE!
3. Time to reflect on the women I most admire in my life and why.
Women are so beautiful! Seriously, I've watched a zillion of them walk around today, and I am just convinced that we are all beautiful. Why do we have such a hard time believing this (myself included!)?
I think of the women I most admire in my life: my Mom for her dedication and love for her family; my boss for organization and integrity; my roommate for her delicious and creative cooking abilities; my other roommate for her elegance and thoughtfulness; and my other roommate for her spunk and bilingual capabilities; my Grandmother for her generosity; my aunties for their kindness and comfort in times of need; my sister-in-law for her academic perseverance and commitment; my other sister-in-law for her attention and thought (letting me know of a job opportunity that I love!!); and of course MY SISTER for her wisdom and counsel and faithful optimism.
The theme for this year's Women's Conference is taken from the scripture that " by small and simple things are great things brought to pass" (Alma 37:6-7). I know it is a small thing to be a woman in this vast world of communities, cities, countries and continents, and I may be a very simple woman, but you for one, along with many others, have shown me that truly we can be the means of great things come to pass!
Love you.
Love Auntie KK