Dear Miss T,
You love the drive up to Bogus because it usually means you get to go skiing, right? Well I now love the drive because it took us snow shoe-ing! I had never been before, but it was really fun. Dad gave me wool socks to wear, Mom loaned me her long underwear, and someone loaned me their snow shoes.
Fun wintertime activity! Next time we are both in Boise in the winter, we should do it together.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Cutler Christmas Spectacular
Dear Miss T,
We had a little gathering with our extended Cutler family. This has become a tradition every year in honor of our Grandma Cutler, who loved music and happened to be actually very good at it. Often we have violins, flutes, solos, piano recital numbers, and everything lovely.
Well, you know the amount of musical talent our part of the Cutler family got, and basically without you bringing Big D and his violin you can understand how we were hurting a little bit this year.
Thankfully, with the help of A-dazzle we got a new piece put together, and despite wardrobe malfunctions we think it turned out alright. We can't wait to have Big D involved in a performance like this in the future!
We had a little gathering with our extended Cutler family. This has become a tradition every year in honor of our Grandma Cutler, who loved music and happened to be actually very good at it. Often we have violins, flutes, solos, piano recital numbers, and everything lovely.
Well, you know the amount of musical talent our part of the Cutler family got, and basically without you bringing Big D and his violin you can understand how we were hurting a little bit this year.
Thankfully, with the help of A-dazzle we got a new piece put together, and despite wardrobe malfunctions we think it turned out alright. We can't wait to have Big D involved in a performance like this in the future!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
A Skiff of Snow
We got our first snow in Seattle. It was just a skiff of snow, but the boys loved it. We were out playing in it by 7:40am. The snow was gone by 8:15am.
Since we don't get a lot of snow in Seattle, we are grateful for this "Christmas miracle" today.
-Miss T
Since we don't get a lot of snow in Seattle, we are grateful for this "Christmas miracle" today.
-Miss T
Monday, December 10, 2012
Vote for the Villains!
In case you don't remember, Big D ran the NW Ragnar relay race this last July. Their team of 12, dressed as villains. Well, now it is time to vote for their video on Facebook. Unfortunately they got a late start and are behind in the polls. But anything can happen right? Today is the last day of voting, so help spread the word if you can.
Here is the video:
Here is the link to vote on Facebook: 62748849
T Bear is the "little kid" known as Iron Man who defeats them all. Other family members you might see are: KK (sister), Mr. P (brother-in-law), Btown (brother), Dr. C (my dad), Cub's legs, ME, and our car!
And if the short video was not enough to satisfy you, then watch the full length video here:
Great memories! I still can not believe Big D ran in that Stay Puft costume. Borderline idiotic, but I still gotta love him.
-Miss T
Here is the video:
Here is the link to vote on Facebook:
T Bear is the "little kid" known as Iron Man who defeats them all. Other family members you might see are: KK (sister), Mr. P (brother-in-law), Btown (brother), Dr. C (my dad), Cub's legs, ME, and our car!
And if the short video was not enough to satisfy you, then watch the full length video here:
Great memories! I still can not believe Big D ran in that Stay Puft costume. Borderline idiotic, but I still gotta love him.
-Miss T
Monday, December 3, 2012
FBis sooo dangerous
Dear Miss T,
I know you haven't really ever gotten huge into Facebook. Consider yourself lucky.
I haven't browsed or perused it much myself lately (life without Dauna was rough...because an iPad certainly can't browse facebook). Really, it has been quite peaceful without it.
But tonight facebook as ruined my night. I had big plans. To make all my little containers of Russian Tea holiday drink mix (remember the kind mom used to prepare for us to give our teachers as a thank you?), do the dishes, transfer files from Fauna to Dauna, and watch one of my library DVDs. Did any of that happen? NO.
Because I got stuck on facebook looking at other people's lives!! Wow it just sucked my night away. And I guess I also watched 3 episodes of Studio C, BYU's version of SNL I guess. Pretty funny. I definitely got stuck laughing and laughing at a song and dance number that a girl whipped out when she got proposed to. Mercy! It was too...real...about all the musical shows I love. Haha!
Ok, hope your evening was more productive than mine. Does anyone else ever get sucked up in FB for a night? Yikes!
Love KK
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Dear Miss T,
At long last I have the privilege of introducing my new computer to you.
Dauna joined the family just yesterday after the slow, crippling aging process sucked the life out of Fauna, the laptop that traversed the college journey with me.
Dauna (named after my first computer of course, and in honor of Donna Larsen New-Last-Name-That-Starts-With-A-G-But-I-Forgot-It, the long adored BPA teacher and facilitator at Centennial High School, shout-out to anyone who knows her!) is a Mac Mini. A rounded square box, silver in color, with a wireless keyboard and track pad as accessories. We just hook her up to Paul's monitor-TV-thing and it's like I have an i-Mac just like you!!
What Dauna really means, is that I can blog more freely again! And with better pictures!! Doesn't mean anyone can get expectations of any kind, including myself, because after all could the cause of happiness really lie in having low expectations?
Hope you, the family, and your i-Mac are doing well. :)
At long last I have the privilege of introducing my new computer to you.
Dauna joined the family just yesterday after the slow, crippling aging process sucked the life out of Fauna, the laptop that traversed the college journey with me.
Dauna (named after my first computer of course, and in honor of Donna Larsen New-Last-Name-That-Starts-With-A-G-But-I-Forgot-It, the long adored BPA teacher and facilitator at Centennial High School, shout-out to anyone who knows her!) is a Mac Mini. A rounded square box, silver in color, with a wireless keyboard and track pad as accessories. We just hook her up to Paul's monitor-TV-thing and it's like I have an i-Mac just like you!!
What Dauna really means, is that I can blog more freely again! And with better pictures!! Doesn't mean anyone can get expectations of any kind, including myself, because after all could the cause of happiness really lie in having low expectations?
Hope you, the family, and your i-Mac are doing well. :)
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Today I am thankful that I know I have a Heavenly Father to give thanks to for the blessings in my life.
I am thankful for old home movies and pictures.
I am thankful for heat, and all sources of it: fireplaces, microwaves, space heaters, ovens, Mr. P, stoves, etc.
I am thankful for family- the Cutler family, the Chatterton family, my ward families, my work family, my friends who are family, etc.
I am thankful for words: books, libraries, letters, journals, blogs, anything and everything that aids my memory and reminds me...of more things to be grateful for.
I would love to read a really long list of the little things people have thought of today to be grateful for. Wouldn't you?
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving Miss T!
I am thankful for old home movies and pictures.
I am thankful for heat, and all sources of it: fireplaces, microwaves, space heaters, ovens, Mr. P, stoves, etc.
I am thankful for family- the Cutler family, the Chatterton family, my ward families, my work family, my friends who are family, etc.
I am thankful for words: books, libraries, letters, journals, blogs, anything and everything that aids my memory and reminds me...of more things to be grateful for.
I would love to read a really long list of the little things people have thought of today to be grateful for. Wouldn't you?
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving Miss T!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
I went to the library.
Dear Miss T,
Thank you for understanding my weird "friend-less" state of being right now. Of course it isn't true that I don't have any friends, but as you related to me on the phone yesterday, this newly married working full time phase while my husband is still in school feels like I don't have friends
So what did I do? I went to the library. The Provo Library. And got a new library card. I wish I could have gone to the Library! but that is special to our Boise libraries I suppose. :) look at the gems I checked out.
Yes that first DVD says "I hate exercise. I love to tap!" I have a tile kitchen floor. I just may try to pick up some tap dancing. :) Do you also see Pillow Talk in there? Gotta have me a good old Doris Day flick. And you can also see I also am going to do some reading, but at this point I would gladly take some reading recommendations. I just picked these randomly off the shelf. That can be scary sometimes. So I will have to let you know if any of them turn out to be winners.
So glad to have the library as my convenient always available friend who can keep me some company right now. :)
Love, miss i love books again
Thank you for understanding my weird "friend-less" state of being right now. Of course it isn't true that I don't have any friends, but as you related to me on the phone yesterday, this newly married working full time phase while my husband is still in school feels like I don't have friends
So what did I do? I went to the library. The Provo Library. And got a new library card. I wish I could have gone to the Library! but that is special to our Boise libraries I suppose. :) look at the gems I checked out.
Yes that first DVD says "I hate exercise. I love to tap!" I have a tile kitchen floor. I just may try to pick up some tap dancing. :) Do you also see Pillow Talk in there? Gotta have me a good old Doris Day flick. And you can also see I also am going to do some reading, but at this point I would gladly take some reading recommendations. I just picked these randomly off the shelf. That can be scary sometimes. So I will have to let you know if any of them turn out to be winners.
So glad to have the library as my convenient always available friend who can keep me some company right now. :)
Love, miss i love books again
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
This is How We Play at the Park in 2012
This is how we play at the park in 2012.
Step 1: Take your bikes to the "hill" at Green Lake. Get your dad to help you to the top of the hill.
Step 2: Have your dad record you going down the hill on his phone.
Step 3: Immediately watch yourself in recorded video.
Step 4: Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
I do not remember playing at the park like this when I was a child. It is a whole different generation.
-Miss T
Monday, November 5, 2012
Cub Turns Two
Dear Cub,
I can not believe you are two years old now. I am so thankful that in your two year old little mind, you will remember having a wonderful second birthday. Even these pictures paint a pretty perfect birthday for you.
But my inside my motherly heart, I have guilt. I have guilt because your birthday did not happen the way I had planned it. I am going to confess some of the "mess ups" so that we can both look back and laugh at them some day.
The biggest problem was that the present we ordered for you, did not arrive in time. As the evening approached we realized we had an awesome train cake for you (compliments of paying someone to make it for us - thank you!) but no present. Lame, right?
Well, we decided to continue as if everything was fine. We drove out to Bothell to take you on a little tractor train ride. We showed up with out any cash and had to spend a difficult half an hour trying to get some cash to ride the train. By the time we got cash and got back to the train, it was pouring rain and you didn't want ride anymore. We made you get in the train anyway and you did enjoy the ride.
By the time we finished the ride, the evening was over and we decided to ditch the thoughtful homemade dinner, and went to Red Robin instead. At Red Robin, we ordered you a corn dog and let you enjoy your free birthday ice cream sundae. You thought it was wonderful.
The next day your present arrived. We extended your birthday celebration by finally doing your birthday cake and opening your present. We loved seeing you get so excited over your train cake and present.
Cub - you are a wonderful boy and we love you no matter what. Even if I am not a perfect mother, I will always love celebrating anything about you in your life. I can't wait to celebrate another year with you.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween!
So far our Halloween festivities have included:
A trip to the pumpkin patch - Big D asked me, as we started driving to the pumpkin patch, "How far are we driving for a pumpkin? What was wrong with Safeway's pumpkins?" I told him it was all about creating a "fun family experience." And if we did this, then I would not care how much football he watched the rest of the day. That pacified him, and we enjoyed a "fun family experience" at the pumpkin patch complete with a hay ride and pumpkin doughnuts.
Trunk or Treat - Our church hosted a Trunk or Treat for the kids. It was raining, but that did not stop the kids from excitedly collecting lots of candy. Our boys (Captain America and Firetruck - Cub can't say Fireman) were soaking wet but enjoyed stuffing themselves with candy on the ride home.
Carving Pumpkins - T Bear wanted a intricate design for his pumpkin. Big D was a little warry and so we convinced him to go with the ghost. I think they turned out great. Now it is time to roast the pumpkin seeds - any suggestions? I am thinking cinnamon and sugar.
Listening to Halloween Music - T Bear sets the ipod to repeat and we listen to Spiderman and Ghostbusters over and over and over and over again. I am trying to be patient, but it is driving me insane. Hooray for the last day of Halloween music!
Today's forecast is soggy. It will be raining heavily in Seattle all day. Doesn't make very good trick or treating weather, but I think we will manage to at least make it down our street.
Can I tell you the hardest part about having kids on Halloween? Not raiding their candy bucket and eating all the "good" stuff. Although I will admit I have snuck a piece or two. Shhhhh!
-Miss T
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Nellie's New Trick
Hey Miss T-
You should teach Carson to do this:
Love KK
PS: This was all Mr. P's doing...
He said "Hey, come stand right here." So I did. Then he said "Now call for Nellie." So I did. And then...what you just saw.
You should teach Carson to do this:
PS: This was all Mr. P's doing...
He said "Hey, come stand right here." So I did. Then he said "Now call for Nellie." So I did. And then...what you just saw.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Losing Baby Teeth
Hey Miss T-
Has T-bear lost any teeth lately? Nellie has been losing her teeth like crazy. Look what I found on the floor tonight.
Can you imagine what it is going to be like when T-bear loses his first tooth?? Ooooh exciting!
I texted Dr. C the news of Nellie's teeth and he said "put them under the pillow!" ;) Gotta love the tooth fairy.
Love you. Love Kk.
Has T-bear lost any teeth lately? Nellie has been losing her teeth like crazy. Look what I found on the floor tonight.
Can you imagine what it is going to be like when T-bear loses his first tooth?? Ooooh exciting!
I texted Dr. C the news of Nellie's teeth and he said "put them under the pillow!" ;) Gotta love the tooth fairy.
Love you. Love Kk.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
An October Trick
Lately Mr. P has been severely sleep deprived. And even though mornings are best in bed for him, he does a good job waking up when I come in and wake him up in the mornings so he can go to school. The other day I went to wake him up before leaving and he said something to the effect of "just ten more minutes please." Of course I can't say no to that. So I bring him his phone and watch him set an alarm. Then I leave for work.
Throughout the morning I don't hear from him via chat or text while at work, which is a little unusual, but not worry-worthy when he has a busy day. At luch time I got on my bike, and rode home to go let Nellie out. When I got into the kitchen I saw a stack of books on the kitchen table. In my heart I got a little excited because I thought "oh my gosh he surprised me and came home to study and eat lunch with me!" So I say "Paul? Nellie?" And go in the room to let Nellie out. Right there in front of me is a massive roll, a long tree-trunk-looking roll. "What the heck?" I think. Then I say loudly "Paul!?"
Yep! It was him. And he thought that I was coming to wake him up after the ten minute snooze when i was leaving for work. Unfortunately I had to be the bad guy that says "No. I am actually home for lunch right now. And I think that means you must have missed your classes." I would have been frantic ha i been in his situation. I would have run out the door to school (as I am sure you can all imagine) in pjs and without brushing my teeth (gross!) but Paul's good attitude was "well now I get to have lunch with you."
So that evening when I returned from work I walked in our room and found this.
I thought "NO WAY. HE SLEPT ALL DAY!?" I knew he had been sleep deprived pretty severely but really!?
Nope. Not really. This is rolled up blankets and clothes. But it looks exactly like Paul does rolled up in those blankets. EXACTLY. We are talking to the T of his body shape. Can you believe it!? Ha! Good October trick. It sure got me!
Throughout the morning I don't hear from him via chat or text while at work, which is a little unusual, but not worry-worthy when he has a busy day. At luch time I got on my bike, and rode home to go let Nellie out. When I got into the kitchen I saw a stack of books on the kitchen table. In my heart I got a little excited because I thought "oh my gosh he surprised me and came home to study and eat lunch with me!" So I say "Paul? Nellie?" And go in the room to let Nellie out. Right there in front of me is a massive roll, a long tree-trunk-looking roll. "What the heck?" I think. Then I say loudly "Paul!?"
Yep! It was him. And he thought that I was coming to wake him up after the ten minute snooze when i was leaving for work. Unfortunately I had to be the bad guy that says "No. I am actually home for lunch right now. And I think that means you must have missed your classes." I would have been frantic ha i been in his situation. I would have run out the door to school (as I am sure you can all imagine) in pjs and without brushing my teeth (gross!) but Paul's good attitude was "well now I get to have lunch with you."
So that evening when I returned from work I walked in our room and found this.
I thought "NO WAY. HE SLEPT ALL DAY!?" I knew he had been sleep deprived pretty severely but really!?
Nope. Not really. This is rolled up blankets and clothes. But it looks exactly like Paul does rolled up in those blankets. EXACTLY. We are talking to the T of his body shape. Can you believe it!? Ha! Good October trick. It sure got me!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
New Parenting Territory
We have entered new parenting territory around here.
I NEVER imagined having to say to Troy's little girl playmate's mother "If your daughter says she saw Troy's private parts, well... she did."
Apparently Troy revealed himself to his little girl playmate and then giggled when he told me about it.
What do you do?
I have no idea. This is all new to me.
It makes my hair want to stand up all crazy just like Cub's in this picture. My boys drive me crazy but I do love them so much.
-Miss T
Friday, September 21, 2012
8 out of 9 STOPLIGHTS!!!!!
Miss T
This morning Monica was behaving so poorly. She would insolently ignore our soft attempts to help her start the day in first gear. She chugged so violently that we hardly moved forward (instead we were moving up and down) and she was soooo slow to get going at all.
We had some nasty impatient drivers behind us on the way to school and then when Paul got out to go to class I realized I had to take over driving her. But Now I Can isn't that far away from campus. So I would be fine, right?
Do you know how many STOPLIGHTS are in that supposedly short distance to Now I Can? NINE!!! And I hit 8 of them!!! This wouldn't be so bad if every time I had to stop I wasn't terrified that Monica would give out and there I would be blocking tons of morning traffic on University Parkway. Each stop was followed by a series of jerks! and chugs! and revving! And hoping she would get rolling forward! Seriously. It was light after light. I could not believe on the day of all days I couldn't catch a traffic light break.
Thankfully I made it to work. And I even made it to the car repair place during lunch. So she is all better now. And watch. I won't hit a single red light this morning.
But tomorrow red lights will be the least of my worries because I will be AT THE WOMEN'S FITNESS CELEBRATION WALK RUN STROLL 5K WITH YOU HOORAY!!
Can't wait.
Love Kk
This morning Monica was behaving so poorly. She would insolently ignore our soft attempts to help her start the day in first gear. She chugged so violently that we hardly moved forward (instead we were moving up and down) and she was soooo slow to get going at all.
We had some nasty impatient drivers behind us on the way to school and then when Paul got out to go to class I realized I had to take over driving her. But Now I Can isn't that far away from campus. So I would be fine, right?
Do you know how many STOPLIGHTS are in that supposedly short distance to Now I Can? NINE!!! And I hit 8 of them!!! This wouldn't be so bad if every time I had to stop I wasn't terrified that Monica would give out and there I would be blocking tons of morning traffic on University Parkway. Each stop was followed by a series of jerks! and chugs! and revving! And hoping she would get rolling forward! Seriously. It was light after light. I could not believe on the day of all days I couldn't catch a traffic light break.
Thankfully I made it to work. And I even made it to the car repair place during lunch. So she is all better now. And watch. I won't hit a single red light this morning.
But tomorrow red lights will be the least of my worries because I will be AT THE WOMEN'S FITNESS CELEBRATION WALK RUN STROLL 5K WITH YOU HOORAY!!
Can't wait.
Love Kk
Saturday, September 15, 2012
i Need a computer.
Dear Miss T,
Don't get me wrong, I love my iPad. Seeing you love yours was one of the reasons why I got mine. I love it for internet surfing, picture and video taking, pinterest searching, and even emailing.
But I need a computer.
Because blogging just isn't fun on an iPad. It's really hardly even possible. So forgive me for my absence of blogging, but life will be much more bloggable when I have a computer. :)
Love you, and your blogs.
Don't get me wrong, I love my iPad. Seeing you love yours was one of the reasons why I got mine. I love it for internet surfing, picture and video taking, pinterest searching, and even emailing.
But I need a computer.
Because blogging just isn't fun on an iPad. It's really hardly even possible. So forgive me for my absence of blogging, but life will be much more bloggable when I have a computer. :)
Love you, and your blogs.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Living with Boys
T Bear said from the couch "Mom, I am really into poop." Then he giggled and went back to putting poop stickers on my ipad app. Boys..... (huge eye roll)
Here are some of my latest adventures with boys:
About an hour and a half before we had to leave for the airport I went into T Bear's room and found he had stuck a lego block all the way up his nose. It was very stuck. A brief panic started in me and spread to T Bear as I told him I didn't know how we would get it out. Luckily I got it out with some tweezers, but I threatened a nasty trip to the Dr office if he did it again.
T Bear: "Dad, I think playing pool bear will make me feel better."
The other day I left T Bear in his room to do some picking up. When I came back in I found this:
T Bear's imagination is exponentially growing - will I be able to keep up?
And what about Cub? He is making us smile daily. He is learning more and more words which is exciting. Just take a look at this cute face.
![]() |
Cub's yoga positions |
It has been a fun filled summer of boy-lovin'!
-Miss T
Monday, September 3, 2012
Our "Gender Reveal" Party
Last night we had our "gender reveal" party. These kind of parties are the new trendy thing to do, so we thought we would try it while we were in Utah with lots of family.
At our ultrasound appointment a week ago, I chose not to find out the sex of our baby, but Big D had to know. He has kept the secret well for several days.
When we got to Utah, Big D ordered a huge sheet cake. The inside layer of frosting was either blue for a boy or pink for a girl. When he brought the cake to the house, our boys and all the cousins were so excited to cut the cake.
Before the big moment, we took a vote: 13 voted for a girl and 7 for a boy. Then with about 23 of our family members gathered around, I cut into the cake.
Before the big moment, we took a vote: 13 voted for a girl and 7 for a boy. Then with about 23 of our family members gathered around, I cut into the cake.
Honestly, my gut told me it was going to be a boy, but I had been recently sucked into the hope of having a girl. Either one is fine by me. T Bear was a little sad, he really wanted pink frosting. He still ate and enjoyed a big piece of cake.
My wearing a blue shirt was purely coincidental. |
It was a fun moment, and what else can I say, I must be a pretty good 'boy mama!'
-Miss T
Thursday, August 23, 2012
A Real Conversation
Here is a real conversation I had with Big D a few days ago:
Big D: "Hey, did you know that they came out with an app for Pinterest the other day?"
Me: "Already using it."
Big D: "Of course you are. Is that all you do?" In concurrence with a major eye roll in my direction.
It comes to no one's surprise that I love Pinterest. And to my credit I have actually used, or made things from Pinterest.
I have used several of the fitness workouts that I have pinned during my Stroller Strides classes. 300 Abs is by far my favorite, but the Tank Top Arms came in a close second.
There have been some yummy recipes that my whole family (including Big D) have enjoyed. Check these one out on my recipe board: Hawaiian Baked Ham & Swiss Sandwiches, Corn on the cob in the oven, Penne Rosa
Another reason why I love Pinterest is because I can see what interests my friends have whether they be fleeting or long lasting.
-One friend is pinning ideas for a Theater room, I know she is dreaming about a house they will buy soon.
-One friend always pins very vintage clothing
-One friend must be the Primary Music Leader because she is always pinning for primary music ideas
-I can tell when another friend is letting her daughter help pin because there are many pins of whales and horses.
-One friend was on a total dessert kick and pinned a hundred delicious looking desserts.
-One friend is getting ready for school to start because I am watching her pin lots of ideas for her classroom.
-One time I even emailed a friend to ask her if she was pregnant because she was pinning maternity clothes. I don't recommend doing this because it turns out she was NOT pregnant (we were close enough friends that I did not offend her though).
Oh, the fun I have on Pinterest!
BTW - you wanted to know how to wear your scarves. Check out my pin 40 Ways to Tie a Scarf.
Happy Pinning!
-Miss T
*And I love pinning on my ipad now thanks to that new app!
Here is a real conversation I had with Big D a few days ago:
Big D: "Hey, did you know that they came out with an app for Pinterest the other day?"
Me: "Already using it."
Big D: "Of course you are. Is that all you do?" In concurrence with a major eye roll in my direction.
It comes to no one's surprise that I love Pinterest. And to my credit I have actually used, or made things from Pinterest.
I have used several of the fitness workouts that I have pinned during my Stroller Strides classes. 300 Abs is by far my favorite, but the Tank Top Arms came in a close second.
There have been some yummy recipes that my whole family (including Big D) have enjoyed. Check these one out on my recipe board: Hawaiian Baked Ham & Swiss Sandwiches, Corn on the cob in the oven, Penne Rosa
Another reason why I love Pinterest is because I can see what interests my friends have whether they be fleeting or long lasting.
-One friend is pinning ideas for a Theater room, I know she is dreaming about a house they will buy soon.
-One friend always pins very vintage clothing
-One friend must be the Primary Music Leader because she is always pinning for primary music ideas
-I can tell when another friend is letting her daughter help pin because there are many pins of whales and horses.
-One friend was on a total dessert kick and pinned a hundred delicious looking desserts.
-One friend is getting ready for school to start because I am watching her pin lots of ideas for her classroom.
-One time I even emailed a friend to ask her if she was pregnant because she was pinning maternity clothes. I don't recommend doing this because it turns out she was NOT pregnant (we were close enough friends that I did not offend her though).
Oh, the fun I have on Pinterest!
BTW - you wanted to know how to wear your scarves. Check out my pin 40 Ways to Tie a Scarf.
Happy Pinning!
-Miss T
*And I love pinning on my ipad now thanks to that new app!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Sisters Synchronized Swimming
KK -
Can you remember all of the dance routines we made up in our backyard, on the trampoline, driveway or at the beach? I think we even did some in the pool.
Well, I know that you and I both LOVED the synchronized swimming at the London 2012 Olympics. There were some "golden" sisters who got inspired as well, and made their own synchronized swimming routine. It is hilarious!
I hope we are still doing things like this when we are their age.
Too Fun! That is what sisters are all about.
-Miss T
Can you remember all of the dance routines we made up in our backyard, on the trampoline, driveway or at the beach? I think we even did some in the pool.
Well, I know that you and I both LOVED the synchronized swimming at the London 2012 Olympics. There were some "golden" sisters who got inspired as well, and made their own synchronized swimming routine. It is hilarious!
I hope we are still doing things like this when we are their age.
Too Fun! That is what sisters are all about.
-Miss T
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Calling all WOMEN!
"Man, I Feel Like A Woman!"
This is a Cutler girl tradition that includes all of our friends, neighbors, co-workers, cousins, aunts, grandmas, nieces and more.
We hope all of you will join us this year!
Team Poster 2012
TEAM NAME: Cutler Crew
TEAM LEADER: Tanya Cutler
*If you register before September 1st, it is only $20 for the non-competitive waves*
This is a Cutler girl tradition that includes all of our friends, neighbors, co-workers, cousins, aunts, grandmas, nieces and more.
We hope all of you will join us this year!
Team Poster 2012
TEAM NAME: Cutler Crew
TEAM LEADER: Tanya Cutler
*If you register before September 1st, it is only $20 for the non-competitive waves*
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
A True Picket
A Pickett Picket - a post or stake made of crazy Picketts!
Can you tell we had a great time in McCall?
-Miss T
Thursday, August 2, 2012
A 9 lb Double Date
I'm so glad we got to go on one last double date with our "boys" before you end your time here in Seattle.
Big D chose to have us all go out to eat at Gorditos. This is the home of the 9 lb burrito. It is literally the size of a new born baby. In fact, there are pictures of swaddled newborns laying next to these burritos that are framed and hung around the restaurant.
Big D and Mr. P ordered the 9 lb burritos with the determination to eat them in one sitting. When the burritos arrived at our table, we could not believe how big they actually were.
Even mine and your burritos were gigantic in their own respect. To no one's surprise the boys did finish eating their burritos and we did not.
It was a tasty double date and we will gladly do it again the next time you are in Seattle.
-Miss T
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Your Little Olympians
Hey Miss T,
Thought you might want to see the incredible video footage of your two little Olympians. Didn't you know they qualified not only in different events, but in different sports!?
Thank you for letting me borrow the boys today. It was great having them as the star children of the new program I am in charge of at Miller Community Center. It's an hour of play for ages 0-4 with a guided 15 minute activity, which this week and next is based around the Olympics. So you'll have to bring your little Olympians back because they are seasoned athletes now, and hopefully more friends will come to play too. See here or here for more details (all ages are welcome all the time right now).
Love, your boys' #1 Olympics Fan
Thought you might want to see the incredible video footage of your two little Olympians. Didn't you know they qualified not only in different events, but in different sports!?
Thank you for letting me borrow the boys today. It was great having them as the star children of the new program I am in charge of at Miller Community Center. It's an hour of play for ages 0-4 with a guided 15 minute activity, which this week and next is based around the Olympics. So you'll have to bring your little Olympians back because they are seasoned athletes now, and hopefully more friends will come to play too. See here or here for more details (all ages are welcome all the time right now).
Love, your boys' #1 Olympics Fan
Monday, July 30, 2012
My Little Olympian
Good Morning Early-Riser,
I know this may shock you because it surely shocked me, but if you thought Mr. P was not much of a morning person, he has you fooled.
Yesterday morning I was minding my own business, enjoying bed just thinking about the day when at 7:20 I hear an alarm go off, and then from Mr. P, "Good morning!" I thought it would just be the usual sleepy-say-the-words-roll-over-go-back-to-sleep salutation, but to my surprise he sat up and said in a very awake voice (more so than mine!), "Should we check out what's on the Olympics?" and brightly grabbed his laptop and pulled up an Olympic preliminary soccer game. No doubt about it, he was up and awake at 7:20 am!
If you think that is just a coincidence, let me tell you about this morning. Around 2 am Mr. P returned from seeing the new Batman movie with Big D. The movie was so exciting and thrilling (nearly 3 hours long, but only seemed like 1 reportedly) that Mr. P was wired! After waking me up to tell me about the movie, we finally both went to sleep around 2:30. Just a few wee hours later another alarm goes off. The time was 6:20 to be exact. And Mr. P once again says brightly "Good morning!" I rolled over groggily. He gets his laptop out once again to support Team USA. Go American Basketball! And our red-white-and-blue Lebron and Kobe did us basketball-proud in their first Olympic game in London.
And so, as you can see Mr. P IS a morning person. A selectively morning person. Amazing, right? Well now I know, and so do you.
Love Usually Early-Riser Kk
I know this may shock you because it surely shocked me, but if you thought Mr. P was not much of a morning person, he has you fooled.
Yesterday morning I was minding my own business, enjoying bed just thinking about the day when at 7:20 I hear an alarm go off, and then from Mr. P, "Good morning!" I thought it would just be the usual sleepy-say-the-words-roll-over-go-back-to-sleep salutation, but to my surprise he sat up and said in a very awake voice (more so than mine!), "Should we check out what's on the Olympics?" and brightly grabbed his laptop and pulled up an Olympic preliminary soccer game. No doubt about it, he was up and awake at 7:20 am!
If you think that is just a coincidence, let me tell you about this morning. Around 2 am Mr. P returned from seeing the new Batman movie with Big D. The movie was so exciting and thrilling (nearly 3 hours long, but only seemed like 1 reportedly) that Mr. P was wired! After waking me up to tell me about the movie, we finally both went to sleep around 2:30. Just a few wee hours later another alarm goes off. The time was 6:20 to be exact. And Mr. P once again says brightly "Good morning!" I rolled over groggily. He gets his laptop out once again to support Team USA. Go American Basketball! And our red-white-and-blue Lebron and Kobe did us basketball-proud in their first Olympic game in London.
And so, as you can see Mr. P IS a morning person. A selectively morning person. Amazing, right? Well now I know, and so do you.
Love Usually Early-Riser Kk
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Blue Mystique
Hey Miss T,
I vote you the best Team Leader of Ragnar Support. Thank you for coming to watch and cheer us on with the boys, despite our idiocy in running in costume for 36 hours or so.
I had an excellent time as "Blue Mystique," in the words of T-bear. I got up at 4 am to have my face painted blue and textured with black and white for the scales. I wore a spandex body suit that covered even my hands, so for 36 hours it was as if I had a pair of gloves on (I don't recommend eating chips like that...greasy business that doesn't wash away easily). I ran and chasse'ed my way to victory with the villains. So you know, if you ever get runner's knee, or have trouble with your IT band, then chasse-ing is a lot easier on the knee than you first think. I kicked it with Van 1 and cheered for my teammates at their exchanges, and I loved the big exchanges where we all got together and had dance parties.
If you are wondering if you should ever do the Ragnar, or even ever consider doing it, then the answer is most likely yes, and do it in costume please. It's a blast.
Love, Mystique
I vote you the best Team Leader of Ragnar Support. Thank you for coming to watch and cheer us on with the boys, despite our idiocy in running in costume for 36 hours or so.
I had an excellent time as "Blue Mystique," in the words of T-bear. I got up at 4 am to have my face painted blue and textured with black and white for the scales. I wore a spandex body suit that covered even my hands, so for 36 hours it was as if I had a pair of gloves on (I don't recommend eating chips like that...greasy business that doesn't wash away easily). I ran and chasse'ed my way to victory with the villains. So you know, if you ever get runner's knee, or have trouble with your IT band, then chasse-ing is a lot easier on the knee than you first think. I kicked it with Van 1 and cheered for my teammates at their exchanges, and I loved the big exchanges where we all got together and had dance parties.
If you are wondering if you should ever do the Ragnar, or even ever consider doing it, then the answer is most likely yes, and do it in costume please. It's a blast.
Love, Mystique
Friday, July 20, 2012
Vote for the Villains!
Hi Everyone,
In case you haven't heard, Big D, KK, Mr. P and B-town are running in the Ragnar RIGHT NOW. They are dressed as Villains.
The villains include: Mystique, Darth Vador, Shredder, Jafar, Voldemort, CatWoman, Elle (nurse from Kill Bill), Phantom, Stay Puff Marshmallow Man, Cruella DeVille, skeletor, and Hannibal Lector.
They are putting on quite a show, but they need our VOTES to help them win BEST TEAM OVER ALL.
Please send a text to 53535 and put in the message "HOMECOMING 120 You'd Better Run"
Thank you and pass it on to those who love to text! And best of luck to those running through the night tonight!
-Miss T
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Hi Miss T,
In my long absence from writing to you, I have been doing many things.
1. Creating Shredder armor for Mr. P for the upcoming Ragnar Race (he mastered the helmet). Impressive, don't you think? But...definitely not the best running apparel.
2. Purchasing a ridiculously adorable puppy named Nellie, but having Btown pick her up and take care of her until I get back to Utah (I can't wait to see her again). Yes, she looks a lot like our childhood dog. Yes, I am weirdly trying to replace my childhood dog. Yes, the timing is not ideal. And yes, I am still happy I got her. One look at the face, and I'm history.
3. Vacationing in my favorite place, with my favorite people. (McCall Idaho, Ponderosa State Park to be specific. Mr. P, Miga and Poppa, you, and the rest of the family.)

4. Watching Big D carry his whole family (yes all four of you are in that picture...T-bear's head is all you can see of him, and maybe some feet). This is not the only occasion where I have seen it done. This is truly an amazing feat.
5. And nursing Mr. P's ridiculously huge burst blister (this picture was taken after one mile of the backpacking hike...he proceeded to hike 25 more! Needless to say, this picture is MILDLY reminiscent of the sand-dollar sized beauty now oozing pus and blood on the back of his heel, too graphic to be pictured).
Life is always exciting, isn't it?
Love you,
Love KK
1. Creating Shredder armor for Mr. P for the upcoming Ragnar Race (he mastered the helmet). Impressive, don't you think? But...definitely not the best running apparel.
2. Purchasing a ridiculously adorable puppy named Nellie, but having Btown pick her up and take care of her until I get back to Utah (I can't wait to see her again). Yes, she looks a lot like our childhood dog. Yes, I am weirdly trying to replace my childhood dog. Yes, the timing is not ideal. And yes, I am still happy I got her. One look at the face, and I'm history.
4. Watching Big D carry his whole family (yes all four of you are in that picture...T-bear's head is all you can see of him, and maybe some feet). This is not the only occasion where I have seen it done. This is truly an amazing feat.
5. And nursing Mr. P's ridiculously huge burst blister (this picture was taken after one mile of the backpacking hike...he proceeded to hike 25 more! Needless to say, this picture is MILDLY reminiscent of the sand-dollar sized beauty now oozing pus and blood on the back of his heel, too graphic to be pictured).
Life is always exciting, isn't it?
Love you,
Love KK
Monday, July 16, 2012
Moving Friends
T Bear's "yummy doughnut" face at Mighty-Os |
Last night T Bear said in his prayer: "Please help me to be nice to my friends who haven't moved yet."
We currently have had a lot of T Bear's friends move. When I first told him that his best friends were moving, he cried as I pushed him through Safeway.
Now several of them have moved, and a couple more by the end of the summer. It breaks my heart. It also means my friends are moving too. Life can be hard.
Luckily we have super-hero Cub to brighten our day. He has no idea what is going gone, but we like it that way.
-Miss T
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